
Aircon. Installation
We progressively created a company department focusing on designing, marketing and installing air conditioning units and heating systems for houses and industrial plants.
We use special software to calculate the amount of calories and calories required. Then we can provide you with a system project to carry out, achieve the temperature required in the installation point, find a low-energy solution and efficiently reduce the number and use of units.
Our installers are members of highly trained an

Comprehensive Consulting
Mr. Marco Zappi and Mr. Giuliano Bergo are GAMM S.r.l. founding members. Their experience of over 30 years in this industry gave our company the chance to become a fully-fledged consultant.
For this reason, we can provide you with many services, such as co-designing, prototyping and selecting technological innovations.
They all belong to the added value that can guarantee your satisfaction.
Our supplementary services include best practices for project management and planning, which can help you

Component Design
The design of components and their short production time are typical features of our company that can be actually considered as a "designer shop" of this industry.
On the basis of your specific needs our production engineers assess critical process production stages so as to optimize every step of your mass-production.
This means that your component are perfectly compliant with your specifications. No glitch, no production delay. Just a flexible streamlined process.